Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's Your Passion?

So we had this big discussion at work today with our CEO about each individual's passion. We just started this new perk here where after a candidate accepts an offer, we tell them about their first "Passion Day". Basically they get their first day off, paid of course, to do something they're passionate about. When they come into the office on Tuesday, they are expected to share what exciting thing they did since we paid them to do it. Well there's been a little controversy about what the expectations are. It shouldn't be spent running errands, doing laundry, cleaning house, etc. It also get me thinking...what am I passionate about? Spending time with my kids of course, but it's supposed to be more about "YOU" and not others. So...baking, sewing, reading, music, drinking :)??? I don't really know what my day would be!

Now tell me, what are you passionate about? If you could get paid to spend the day doing something, what would it be???


Bianca Flores-Cervantes said...

Easy - photography, getting a beautiful glimpse of my life, other's lives or just an unforgettable moment, not necessarily yours but nonetheless unforgettable. Then hopefully, coming home editing it and turning it into something even more spectacular, whether it turn into a gift or something for you to set aside and smile at later.


Getting it into a scrap layout! :)

Melissa said...

Well, it may sound awfully boring, but I would love to read a book. I have three sitting around that I would like to read, but I never quite find the time. The day would be even better if I could read by a pool or on the beach with a cute guy serving cold drinks and good food. :) That would be great!!!